Using the Mines and Communities (MAC) website
A Getting Started guide to using the Mines and Communities web site
Every article appearing on this website is referenced to the Companies, Minerals and Countries mentioned within the article.
On accessing the buttons at the top of the Home page (Company, Country, Mineral) you will find a list of articles in both alphabetical and date order. Simply click on an entry in the list to access all relevant postings.
You can also search by typing in a key word or words in the facility provided on the left hand side of the page.
Our editorial board has selected six thematic areas, which it considers merit special attention and these are to be found on the left hand side of our home page. Again - just click on the buttons to come up with a list of respective articles.
We plan to add further thematic areas as our capacity expands.
The Links page provides some resources beyond the MAC web site which you may find helpful, although we don't necessarily endorse their content.
Thank you for visiting us. Please don't hesitate to tell us how we can improve our coverage, by using the Contact Us button.