MAC: Mines and Communities

ILO to promote global asbestos ban

Published by MAC on 2006-06-21

ILO to promote global asbestos ban

21st June 2006

The International Labour Office (ILO) is to pursue a global ban on asbestos, the world's biggest ever industrial killer. The landmark decision came with the adoption of a resolution on 14 June 2006 at the ILO conference in Geneva and followed a high level union campaign. Rory O'Neill (of the UK-based Hazards group) asked Jukka Takala , director of ILO's SafeWork programme, what ILO will now do to help make the world asbestos-free.

Hazards: What is the ILO response to the asbestos resolution?

Jukka Takala: ILO will intensify its support to the existing campaigns related to asbestos and, in particular, on the elimination of the future use of asbestos, and asbestos - containing materials. As the French Minister of Labour, M. Larcher said, the ILO should have a campaign of its own to eliminate future use of asbestos, and properly manage asbestos in place today.

Hazards: How serious a problem is asbestos trade and use?

Jukka Takala: Every year some 2 million tons of asbestos is produced and taken to use worldwide, and some of it is even recycled, such as that in shipbreaking. While recycling of useful materials is important, recycling of hazards must be stopped immediately. All these asbestos problems continue to cause a massive global epidemic that is increasingly hitting the developing world, in addition to the industrialised countries. These developing economies do not have the means to protect themselves, have outdated policies and legislation, poor inspection systems, and lack of knowledge to tackle the problem. It has been estimated that every 170 tons of asbestos is responsible for one mesothelioma - a fatal cancer of the linings of the lungs - and for two lung cancers.

Hazards: The resolution calls on ILO to actively promote the elimination of all asbestos use. What is the ILO's timetable for achieving an end to the trade in/use of asbestos?

Jukka Takala: Unfortunately, we will see asbestos-related deaths still at the end of this century. The task is now to increase the number of countries that have already eliminated future asbestos use from the present 40 countries to at least 100 in the coming 10 years. This should certainly reduce the asbestos use radically. The priority order is to concentrate on the present biggest producers, importers, and users of any kind of asbestos.

Hazards: How important a priority for ILO is achieving an end to asbestos use/trade?

Jukka Takala: Personally, I think this has top priority. Asbestos is the most important single factor causing death and disability at work, some 100,000 fatalities a year. The most fundamental right at work is the right to life and health.

Hazards: Has ILO any targets for achieving the goal of an end to asbestos use?

Jukka Takala: Any serious campaign should have measurable targets and time limits, that is exactly what we were talking about in the discussion on the new Promotional Framework on Occupational Safety and Health. Member States should set up their own campaigns, deadlines and targets. ILO targets will be the summary of those.

Hazards: If there are no targets, when would ILO hope to see an end to the trade in/use of asbestos?

Jukka Takala: No targets, no indicators, no deadlines - will result in no progress. ILO should take this seriously. This means also that funding, resources and support is located for promotion of the elimination measures. One of the targets is to convince decision makers - in ILO and in member States - of the importance and urgency of the issue.

Hazards: What will be ILO's first measures to meet the requirements of the new resolution? What will it do and when? (guidance to governments/social partners; seminars; publications; other?)

Jukka Takala: ILO will have to make its own plans for setting up both global and national campaigns, identify responsible units and persons for such campaigns, prepare an implementation programme, implement the plan, and to follow up and continuously adjust and improve such implementation plans. The tools at the ILO's disposal are: standards and their national compliance, advocacy and awareness measures, knowledge management and information exchange, technical collaboration and international collaboration.

Hazards: The asbestos industry/lobby has been blocking the classification of chrysotile (white asbestos) alongside other forms of asbestos under the Rotterdam Convention's Prior Informed Consent (PIC) provisions. As ILO is a UN agency, is ILO going to take action to push for PIC listing of chrysotile, a measure that would complement the provisions of the resolution?

Jukka Takala: While ILO is not a member of other sister UN organisations and can be only an observer, we only have an indirect possibility to influence the PIC procedure. We think that, indeed, other organisations should follow ILO's footsteps and move forward. UNEP, WHO, IPCS, IOMC, and SAICM are all relevant fora for the ILO to take the message further.

Hazards: Critics will say stopping asbestos trade and use has implications for workers in the industry. What is ILO's response to this?

Jukka Takala: An efficient production facility - asbestos mine - can produce 200,000 tons of asbestos ready to use with a workforce of fewer than 1,000 workers. One worker produces more than 200 tons annually. Compare this to the figure above that says that every 170 tons of asbestos kills three users later on in the user chain - without recycling. Referring to the employment issue is not a credible justification to continue asbestos use, while the workers of asbestos mines and plants should be assisted and supported in finding other replacement jobs eg. in substitute safer materials production.

Hazards: The asbestos industry/lobby has previously claimed existing ILO measures (Conventions and Recommendations) support its "safe use" argument for continued asbestos trade. The resolution says this cannot happen. What will ILO do if the asbestos industry continues to claim ILO support for asbestos trade?

Jukka Takala: We will try to make sure that the Resolution will be known by all those who will use this argument. There is no "safe use" of asbestos. The ILO, however, will not have an "international labour inspection force" and we will have to rely on national enforcement, media, trade unions, and responsible employers to make sure that asbestos use will gradually disappear. A long journey but the Resolution is a good tool for that.

Hazards: Closing thoughts?

Jukka Takala: The lung cancer links of asbestos were tentatively raised in the ILO's first Encyclopaedia supplement: "Occupation and Health", in 1938. It has taken 68 years to come to the new ILO Resolution, and still there are a number of different views. This process should be speeded up to reduce the number of foreseen victims in future.

The resolution in full

Resolution concerning Asbestos at the International Labour Conference 2006

The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Considering that all forms of asbestos, including chrysotile, are classified as known human carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a classification restated by the International Programme for Chemical Safety,

Alarmed that an estimated 100, 000 workers die every year from diseases caused by exposure to asbestos,

Deeply concerned that workers continue to face serious risks from asbestos exposure, particularly in asbestos removal, demolition, building maintenance, ship breaking and waste handling activities,

Noting that it has taken three decades of efforts and the emergence of suitable alternatives for a comprehensive ban on the manufacture and use of asbestos and asbestos-containing products to be adopted in a number of countries.

Further noting that the objective of the Promotional Framework for Occupational safety and health Convention 2006 is to prevent occupational injuries, diseases and deaths.

1. Resolves that:

(a) the elimination of the future use of asbestos and the identification and proper management of asbestos currently in place are the most effective means to protect workers from asbestos exposure and to prevent future asbestos-related diseases and deaths; and

(b) the Asbestos Convention 1986 (no 162) should not be used to provide a justification for, or endorsement of, the continued use of asbestos.

2. Requests the Governing Body to direct the International Labour Office to:

(a) Continue to encourage Member States to ratify and give effect to the provisions of the Asbestos Convention 1986 (No. 162) and the Occupational Cancer Convention 1974 ( No.139);

(b) to promote the elimination of future use of all forms of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials in all Member States

(c) promote the identification and proper management of all forms of asbestos currently in place;

(d) encourage and assist member States to include measures in their national programmes on occupational safety and health to protect workers from exposure to asbestos, and

(e) transmit this resolution to all member States

OIT adopta nuevos instrumentos sobre seguridad y salud, relación de trabajo y una resolución sobre el asbestos

15 de junio de 2006

GINEBRA (Noticias de la OIT) - La 95ª reunión de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo de la OIT adoptó hoy nuevos instrumentos laborales internacionales con normas y medidas sobre seguridad y salud laboral y sobre la relación de trabajo.

Los delegados a la conferencia anual de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) adoptaron por una aplastante mayoría un nuevo Convenio sobre un marco promocional para la seguridad y salud en el trabajo y una Recomendación sobre este mismo tema.

Según estimaciones de la OIT unos 6.000 trabajadores mueren cada día a causa de enfermedades o accidentes relacionados con el trabajo. Las nuevas medidas promoverán el desarrollo de una "cultura de seguridad" que le daría mayor relevancia al tema de la seguridad y la salud laboral en las agendas nacionales. El Convenio fue aprobado con una votación de 455 a favor, 2 en contra y 5 abstenciones. La Recomendación adjunta fue adoptada por 458 votos a favor, 3 en contra y 6 abstenciones.

Las medidas previstas en el nuevo Convenio están basadas en la Estrategia global de la OIT sobre seguridad y salud en el trabajo, adoptada en la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo de 2003, que pone énfasis en la necesidad de generar y mantener una cultura sobre este tema, y que propone a los países abordarlo sistemáticamente.

Los delegados también aprobaron una Recomendación sobre la relación de trabajo. La nueva normativa propone a los Estados la formulación y adopción, en consulta con empleadores y trabajadores, de políticas nacionales que establezcan la existencia de una relación laboral y distingan entre una persona empleada y una que trabaja en forma independiente, que combatan las relaciones de trabajo disfrazadas y aseguren un conjunto de normas aplicables a todas las relaciones contractuales. El instrumento fue aprobado con 329 votos a favor, 94 en contra y 40 abstenciones.

La Conferencia también aprobó, este miércoles, una resolución sobre la exposición al asbesto, que se estima causa unas 100.000 muertes al año, en la cual declara que la eliminación en el futuro el uso de todas las formas de asbesto e identificación los procedimientos de gestión adecuados para eliminar el asbesto ya existente, constituyen los medios más efectivos para proteger a los trabajadores expuestos a este material y prevenir las enfermedades y muertes que pudiera causar.

También resuelve que el Convenio sobre el asbesto de la OIT, 1986 (Nro. 162), no deberá ser utilizado para justificar o endosar el uso duradero de este material.

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