MAC: Mines and Communities




A3UNA (16 articles)
Aber Resources (2 articles)
Aberfoyle (3 articles)
Abhijeet (4 articles)
Abitibi (5 articles)
Abra Mining Industrial Corp (3 articles)
Acacia Mining (12 articles)
ACC (33 articles)
Access Asia Mining (1 articles)
Acerias Paz de Rio (17 articles)
Adams Mine Rail Haul (2 articles)
Adamus Resources (1 articles)
Adanac Molybdenum (2 articles)
Adani Power (103 articles)
Adaro (5 articles)
Adastra (12 articles)
Adhunk Metaliks (21 articles)
Aditya Alumininum (23 articles)
Aditya Birla Group (2 articles)
Adnama Mining Resources Inc. (1 articles)
Adnama Mining Resources Incorporated (AMRI) (2 articles)
Adrian Resources (1 articles)
AEM Minerals (2 articles)
AES (1 articles)
Afcan (1 articles)
African Barrick Gold (28 articles)
African Copper (1 articles)
African Eagle (1 articles)
African Minerals (13 articles)
African Nickel (1 articles)
African Rainbow Minerals (12 articles)
Africo Resources (5 articles)
Afrimex (5 articles)
AfriOre (3 articles)
Ag Aremeno (3 articles)
Agincourt Resources (1 articles)
Agnico-Eagle (12 articles)
AGRC (5 articles)
Agrium (2 articles)
Agua Rica (8 articles)
Agusan Petroleum Mining (1 articles)
AIMROC (1 articles)
Aker-Kvaerner - see Kvaerner
Akkerman Exploration (1 articles)
Akouta Mining Company (Cominak) (1 articles)
Alamos Gold (4 articles)
Albanian Chrome Company (ACR) (1 articles)
Alberta Star (6 articles)
Albidon Ltd. (20 articles)
Alcan/Pechiney (85 articles)
Alcoa (171 articles)
Aldershot Resources (3 articles)
Alexander Mining (3 articles)
Alexkor (6 articles)
Algoma Stell (6 articles)
Allegheny Energy (3 articles)
Allegiance Mining NL (10 articles)
Alliance Altyn (1 articles)
Allied Deals (10 articles)
Allied Gold (3 articles)
Almaden Minerals (1 articles)
ALPAT (13 articles)
Alpha Metallurgical Resources (1 articles)
Alpha Resources (25 articles)
Alrosa (25 articles)
Altai Philippines (3 articles)
Altamina Exploration and Resources, Inc. (1 articles)
Altan Rio (2 articles)
Altos Hornos de Mexico (1 articles)
Altura Mining Philippines, Inc. (AMPI) (1 articles)
Alucasa (2 articles)
Aluminium Corp of China (7 articles)
Alumuina Partners (2 articles)
Amalgamated Metal Corporation (AMC) (1 articles)
Amara Raja Group (1 articles)
Amcor (10 articles)
American Electric Power (8 articles)
American Mineral Fields (3 articles)
American Mining Associates (4 articles)
Americano Nickel Ltd. (1 articles)
Americas Mining (2 articles)
Amplat (24 articles)
Anaconda Nickel (4 articles)
Anadarko Petroleum (1 articles)
Andean American (1 articles)
Andean Gold (2 articles)
Andhra Pradesh Minerals Development Corporation (3 articles)
Anegada Metal (12 articles)
Angang Group (22 articles)
Angel Gold Corporation (3 articles)
Anglo American Corporation (701 articles)
Anglo De Beers - see De Beers (3 articles)
Anglo Gold Ashanti (194 articles)
Anglo Platinum (60 articles)
Angloplat (28 articles)
Angus & Ross (6 articles)
Anrak Aluminium Ltd. (3 articles)
Anshan Iron and Steel (2 articles)
Antam (3 articles)
Antamina (10 articles)
Antofagasta (72 articles)
Anvil Mining Co. (59 articles)
Anyox Hydro Electric Corp. (1 articles)
APC Mining (11 articles)
Apex Silver (13 articles)
APMDC (2 articles)
Apollo Minerals (1 articles)
Aquarius Platinum Ltd (3 articles)
Aquila Resources Inc. (2 articles)
Aquiline Resources (33 articles)
Aracoma (5 articles)
Ararat Gold Recovery Company (5 articles)
ARC China (1 articles)
Arc Exploration (5 articles)
Arcelor Mittal (62 articles)
Arch Coal (38 articles)
Archipelago (38 articles)
Arco (3 articles)
Areva (71 articles)
Argentex Mining Corporation (2 articles)
Argonaut Gold Inc (2 articles)
Argonaut Resources (1 articles)
Argor-Heraeus (2 articles)
Argos (14 articles)
Argyle Diamonds Ltd (15 articles)
Aricom Plc (9 articles)
Arimco (6 articles)
Arizona Electric Power (1 articles)
Arkle Resources (1 articles)
ARM (9 articles)
Armenian Copper Program (ACP) (3 articles)
Arrowsmith Gold (1 articles)
Arutmin (6 articles)
ASA Metals (2 articles)
Asarco (59 articles)
Ascendant Copper Corporation (137 articles)
Ascot Resources (1 articles)
Ashanti Goldfields (6 articles)
Ashapura Group (16 articles)
Ashton Mining (3 articles)
Asia Energy Corporation (134 articles)
Asia Pacific Resources (13 articles)
Asia Power (4 articles)
Asia Resource Minerals plc (ARMS) (1 articles)
Asquith (2 articles)
Assmang (2 articles)
Assore Lrd (1 articles)
AT Last Consolidated (2 articles)
Atalaya Mining (1 articles)
ATH Resources (1 articles)
Athabasca Potash (1 articles)
Atlanta Gold (5 articles)
Atlantic Steel Company (1 articles)
Atlas Consolidated (22 articles)
Atlas Mining (20 articles)
Atlas Precious Metals (APM) (5 articles)
Atlatsa Resources (1 articles)
Atna Resource (1 articles)
Atomenergoprom (7 articles)
Aur Resources (10 articles)
Aura Minerals (2 articles)
Aura Silver Resources (3 articles)
Aurasian Minerals (2 articles)
Aurchem Exploration (1 articles)
Aurelian Resources (37 articles)
Aureus Mining (1 articles)
Aurora Energy Resources (7 articles)
Aurora Gold (32 articles)
Aurox Resources (6 articles)
Aurum Exploration (1 articles)
Auspex (1 articles)
Austino (2 articles)
Austral Asia (3 articles)
Australian Compass Resources Group (16 articles)
Australian Midwest (8 articles)
AUX (2 articles)
Auxico Resources (1 articles)
Avesoro Resources (1 articles)
Avian Mining Pty Ltd. (11 articles)
Avima Iron Ore Ltd. (1 articles)
Avion Gold (1 articles)
Avocet (11 articles)
Axmin (8 articles)
Azco (8 articles)


B2Gold Corporation (14 articles)
Baguio Gold (1 articles)
BALCO (133 articles)
Balcorp Ltd. (15 articles)
Ballad Ventures Inc. (8 articles)
Baltoda Group (1 articles)
Bancroft Uranium (3 articles)
Banks Island Gold (1 articles)
Banks Mining (1 articles)
Banro Resources (23 articles)
Baoji Titanium Co Ltd. (10 articles)
Baoshan Iron and Steel (56 articles)
Baosteel (9 articles)
Baotou Steel Rare Earths (2 articles)
Barapukuria Coal Mining Company (5 articles)
Barrick Gold Corp (702 articles)
Barrup Materials (1 articles)
Baru Gold Corp. (1 articles)
Baselode Energy (1 articles)
Batero Gold (1 articles)
Battle Green Mineral & General Trading (1 articles)
Bayan Resources (2 articles)
Bayog 9 Metals (4 articles)
BC Metals (8 articles)
BDI Mining (3 articles)
Bea Mountain Mining (1 articles)
Bear Creek Mining (4 articles)
Bechtel (8 articles)
Bellhaven Copper & Gold (3 articles)
Belo Sun (8 articles)
Bema Gold Corp. (9 articles)
Bendigo Mining (3 articles)
Benguet Corp. (39 articles)
Benton Resources (3 articles)
Beowulf Mining plc (7 articles)
Berau Coal (3 articles)
Bezant Resources (4 articles)
BGRIMM (2 articles)
Bharat Gold Mines Ltd. (12 articles)
BHP Billiton (1117 articles)
Bhushan Steel (16 articles)
Bindura Nickel (5 articles)
Bintang Mining (1 articles)
Birim Goldfields (2 articles)
Birla (3 articles)
Bishi Mining (32 articles)
Black Mesa (3 articles)
Blackfire Exploration (21 articles)
Blackstone Ventures (3 articles)
Bleaklow Industries (2 articles)
Blue Circle - see Lafarge
Blue Ribbon (2 articles)
BlueScope Steel (6 articles)
Bogoso Gold Ltd. (28 articles)
Boliden (11 articles)
Bolivar Gold (13 articles)
Bolnisi Gold (2 articles)
Bong Mieu Gold Mining Co (1 articles)
Bosai Minerals Group (1 articles)
Bosai Mining (9 articles)
Boss Power (3 articles)
Bosveld Phosphate (1 articles)
Bougainville Copper Ltd. (242 articles)
Boulle Mining Group (1 articles)
Bounty Resources (3 articles)
Boxxer Gold Corp (11 articles)
Branch Energy (39 articles)
Brancote (5 articles)
Bravus Mining (1 articles)
Bre-X (6 articles)
Breakwater (42 articles)
BRGM (8 articles)
Brinco (8 articles)
Brinkley Mining (6 articles)
British Gas (5 articles)
British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (7 articles)
British Petroleum (97 articles)
Brock Resources (12 articles)
BSG Resources (1 articles)
BSGR (24 articles)
Buenaventura (65 articles)
Buenavista del Cobre (1 articles)
Buffalo Ltd. (4 articles)
Buller Coal Holdings Ltd (1 articles)
Bumi plc (25 articles)
Bumi Resources (14 articles)
Burma-Asia World Company (1 articles)
BYG Resources (1 articles)


Caballus Mining (1 articles)
Cadan Resources (2 articles)
Caledonian Mining (2 articles)
Calera Bertan (2 articles)
Calibre Mining (1 articles)
Calypso Uranium (3 articles)
Cambior (12 articles)
Cambodia Iron and Steel Mining Industry Group (2 articles)
Cambrian Mining (8 articles)
Cameco (128 articles)
Camento Andino (13 articles)
Camento Argos (11 articles)
Canadian Continental Minerals Corp (1 articles)
Canadian Diamond Fields International (1 articles)
Canarc (13 articles)
Candente Copper (7 articles)
Caño Seco Coal (19 articles)
Canplats Resources (1 articles)
Canyon Resources (13 articles)
CAP SA (1 articles)
Cape Alumina (1 articles)
Cape Asbestos plc (12 articles)
Cape Lambert Iron Ore (2 articles)
Capella Resources (3 articles)
Capital Resources Development Company (2 articles)
Caramanta Conde Mine SAS (1 articles)
Carboandes (10 articles)
Carbocol (15 articles)
Carbon Mining Plc (16 articles)
Carbones de Cesar (10 articles)
Carbones de la Jagua (23 articles)
Carbones del Carare (2 articles)
Carbones del Cerrejon (21 articles)
Carbones del Guasare (2 articles)
Carbones del la Guajira (2 articles)
Carbones del Perija (1 articles)
Carbones San Fernando S.A. (1 articles)
Carbozulia (16 articles)
Cardente Resources (1 articles)
Carena Equities (2 articles)
Carson Gold (3 articles)
Cartier Resources (2 articles)
Case Mining Company (1 articles)
Cash Minerals (3 articles)
Cassair (3 articles)
Castillian Resources (1 articles)
Castle Cement (2 articles)
Castle Gold (2 articles)
Catalyst Gold (3 articles)
Caterpillar (33 articles)
CBG (7 articles)
CBMM (1 articles)
Celtic Minerals Ltd. (8 articles)
Cementos Progreso (4 articles)
Cemex (56 articles)
Cengiz Holding (1 articles)
Cengiz Holding A.S (2 articles)
Cenovus (1 articles)
Centamin (2 articles)
Centanario Copper (1 articles)
Centennial Coal (7 articles)
Centerra Gold (39 articles)
Central African Mining and Exploration Company plc (CAMEC) (3 articles)
Central China Goldfields (1 articles)
Central Coal India Ltd. (10 articles)
Central Rand Gold (CRG) (1 articles)
Central Sun Mining (3 articles)
Centromin (8 articles)
Century Aluminium (5 articles)
Cerrejon Coal (33 articles)
Cerro Matoso SA (2 articles)
CGA Mining (9 articles)
CGM Resources (1 articles)
Chalco (52 articles)
Chambishi Metals PLC (2 articles)
Chambisi Mining (12 articles)
Channel Resources (10 articles)
Charbonagges de France (2 articles)
Chariot Resources (3 articles)
Charter Consolidated (12 articles)
Chase Resources (1 articles)
Chemical Vapour Metal Refining Inc. (4 articles)
Chesbar Resources Inc (3 articles)
Chevron Texaco (22 articles)
Chieftain Metals (1 articles)
China Africa Sunlight Energy (2 articles)
China Central Goldfields (5 articles)
China Civil Engineering Construction Company (CCECC) (1 articles)
China Coal Energy (1 articles)
China Gold International Resources (4 articles)
China Machine-Building International Corporation (9 articles)
China Metallurgical and Construction Company (78 articles)
China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) (2 articles)
China Minmetals (55 articles)
China National Coal Group Corp. (3 articles)
China National Gold Corp (2 articles)
China National Machinery Import and Export Company (4 articles)
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) (3 articles)
China Nickel Resources Holding Co (3 articles)
China Non-Ferrous Metals and Construction (73 articles)
China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corporation (11 articles)
China Railway (13 articles)
China Shenhua (5 articles)
China Steel (12 articles)
China United Copper Co. (2 articles)
China Update (1 articles)
Chinalco (53 articles)
Chinese Metallurgical Const ruction (17 articles)
Chiping Alumina Co (7 articles)
Chirano Gold Mines (6 articles)
Chongqing Steel (10 articles)
Churchill Mining plc (7 articles)
CIEMSA (2 articles)
Ciner Group (1 articles)
Cirebon Elektrik (1 articles)
Citadel Resource Group (1 articles)
CITIC (10 articles)
Citra Palu Minerals (CPM) (1 articles)
Cl Prodeco (10 articles)
Clarendon Alumina Production (11 articles)
Claver Mineral Development Corp. (2 articles)
Clean Coal Ltd (1 articles)
Cleveland Potash (5 articles)
Cliff Natural (5 articles)
Climax Arimco Mining Corporation (47 articles)
Cline Mining Co. (5 articles)
Cloud Peak Energy (2 articles)
Cluff Mining (5 articles)
CMEC (2 articles)
CNEA (15 articles)
Coal & Allied (3 articles)
Coal Corp (2 articles)
Coal India Ltd. (73 articles)
Coal of Africa Ltd. (CoAL) (7 articles)
Cobre y Oro de Colombia SA (1 articles)
Codelco (112 articles)
Coeur d'Alene (30 articles)
Cogema (25 articles)
Colet Mining (18 articles)
Collum Mine Ltd (7 articles)
Colombia Goldfields (1 articles)
Colombian Goldfields (23 articles)
Columbus Gold (1 articles)
Comalco (45 articles)
Comibol (61 articles)
Cominco (4 articles)
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (1 articles)
Commerce Group (9 articles)
Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee (2 articles)
Compaina Guatemaltce de Niquel (10 articles)
Companhia Siderurgica Nacional SA (3 articles)
Compania del Niquel de Cuba (1 articles)
Compania Fresnillo (3 articles)
Compania Minera Buenaventura (11 articles)
Compañía Minera Caudalosa S.A (1 articles)
Compania Minera Cuzcatlan SA (1 articles)
Compania Minera de Caldas SA (4 articles)
Compania Minera Dolores SA (2 articles)
Compañía Minera Latinoamericana (1 articles)
Compañia Minera San Esteban Primera SA (4 articles)
Compañía Minera Sud Argentina (22 articles)
Compañía Procesadora de Mineral SA (1 articles)
Compliance Coal Corporation (2 articles)
Comsur (22 articles)
Conal Holdings (1 articles)
Congo Iron (1 articles)
Conquistador Mining (4 articles)
Conroy Gold (1 articles)
Consol (10 articles)
Consolidada de Hualgayoc SA (1 articles)
Consolidated Thompson (2 articles)
Consorcio Minero Dominicano (1 articles)
Consorcio Minero Unido (15 articles)
Constantine Metal Resources (1 articles)
Continental Minerals (18 articles)
Continental Resources (30 articles)
Continuum Resources (2 articles)
Conuma Coal Resources (1 articles)
Conzinc Rio of Australia (2 articles)
Copec (5 articles)
Copper Fox Metals Inc. (1 articles)
Copper Mesa (15 articles)
Copper Mountain Mining Corp (3 articles)
Copper One inc. (1 articles)
Copper Resource Corp. (3 articles)
Coral Bay Nickel (4 articles)
Cordillera Exploration Inc (7 articles)
Core Mining and Minerals (2 articles)
Cormine (1 articles)
Cornerstone Resources (5 articles)
Coro Mining (29 articles)
Coronado (1 articles)
Corporacion Siderurgica Nacional (11 articles)
Corpozulia (15 articles)
Corrientes Resources (88 articles)
Corus (39 articles)
Cosigo Resources (4 articles)
Cosila (14 articles)
Cosipar (31 articles)
Coto Minero del Cantábrico (CMC) (1 articles)
Crazy Horse (2 articles)
CRCC-Tongguan (6 articles)
Crescent Mining (2 articles)
Crevice Mining Group (1 articles)
Crew Resources (118 articles)
Cronimet (1 articles)
Crosshair Exloration & Mining (3 articles)
Crosshair Exploration & Mining (1 articles)
Cruz Azul (2 articles)
Crystallex (53 articles)
CSN (3 articles)
CSR (1 articles)
Cumberland Resources (3 articles)
Cuprumin Abrud Ltd. (6 articles)
Curimining SA (3 articles)
CV Arjuna (1 articles)
CVG (9 articles)
CVRD (197 articles)
Cyprus Minerals (3 articles)
Cyprus Tohono Corp (1 articles)


Da Capo Resources (2 articles)
Daewoo (13 articles)
Daguma Coal (1 articles)
Dairi Prima Mineral (1 articles)
Dajin Resources (1 articles)
Dalradian Gold (6 articles)
Datong Coal Mine Group (2 articles)
Daye Nonferrous (1 articles)
DB Power (1 articles)
DCM DECOmetal (1 articles)
De Beers (152 articles)
Debswana (2 articles)
Deep Yellow Co. (8 articles)
DeepGreen (9 articles)
DeepGreen Metals (4 articles)
Dehua (11 articles)
Delta Exploration Inc (1 articles)
Delta Pacific Mining Plc (8 articles)
Dempo Mining Corporation (1 articles)
Denison (5 articles)
Depromin (11 articles)
Deseret Pwer Electric Cooperative (1 articles)
Desminc Sa (4 articles)
Deva Gold (1 articles)
DGI Group (2 articles)
Diacore (1 articles)
Diamet (9 articles)
Diamond Field Resources (3 articles)
DiamondWorks (21 articles)
Diavik Diamonds (5 articles)
Die Des Bauxites de Guinee (4 articles)
Dioxitek (2 articles)
DMCI (189 articles)
Doe Run (37 articles)
Dofasco (19 articles)
Dominion Minerals (1 articles)
Dorado Ocean Resources (1 articles)
Dorato Resources (5 articles)
Double Crown Resources (1 articles)
Doubleview Capital Corp. (1 articles)
Doubleview Gold (1 articles)
Dow Chemical (19 articles)
Dowa Metals and Mining Co. (1 articles)
Dragon Mining (1 articles)
Drummond Coal (129 articles)
Dubal (2 articles)
Duke Energy (49 articles)
Dundee Precious Metals Ltd. (21 articles)
Dupont (24 articles)
Durban Roodepoort Deep (DRD) (36 articles)
Dwyka Diamonds Ltd (2 articles)
Dynasty Gold (19 articles)
Dynergy (6 articles)


EAGC/EAGC Ventures (4 articles)
East African Mining (1 articles)
East Asia Gold Corp. (2 articles)
East Kentucky Power Cooperative (2 articles)
EBX Group (1 articles)
Echo Bay (10 articles)
Eco Oro Minerals Corp (6 articles)
ECSA (5 articles)
Ecuacorrentes SA (25 articles)
Ecuador Gold SA (4 articles)
EcuaGold Resources (4 articles)
Ecuagoldmining (1 articles)
Edgewater Exploration (1 articles)
EIDore Mining Holdings (14 articles)
El Brocal (10 articles)
El Cascabel Mining Company (1 articles)
El Desquite (22 articles)
El Nino Ventures (2 articles)
Eldorado Gold (51 articles)
Electro Steel (3 articles)
Elementis Chromium Inc. (1 articles)
Emcarbon (13 articles)
Emporer Gold (14 articles)
Emprendimientos Mineros SA (1 articles)
Empresa Minera Inti Raymi SA (1 articles)
Empresa Minera Manquiri SA (1 articles)
Empresa Siderurgica Mutun (18 articles)
EMPX (20 articles)
ENAMI (8 articles)
Endesa (1 articles)
Energem Resources (3 articles)
Energia y Minerales SE (1 articles)
Energia y Minerales Sociedad Del Estado (EMSE) (2 articles)
Energoatom (1 articles)
Energy & Minerals Australia (2 articles)
Energy Fuels Resources (4 articles)
Energy Northwest (2 articles)
Energy Resources of Australia (105 articles)
Engineering and Construction Co Ltd (1 articles)
Engro Corporation (1 articles)
ENRC (11 articles)
Entre Mares Honduras SA (33 articles)
Epangelo Mining Ltd. (1 articles)
Equatorial Mining (4 articles)
Equinox gold (2 articles)
Equinox Minerals (11 articles)
Eramet/SLN (11 articles)
Erdenet Mining Corp. (5 articles)
Erdos Group (1 articles)
Essar (54 articles)
Essel Mining (5 articles)
Eta Zuma (1 articles)
Eternit (17 articles)
Eurasian Natural Resources Corp (ENRC) (33 articles)
Euro-Nevada (4 articles)
Euroasian Steels (1 articles)
Eurogold (13 articles)
Euromax Resources (1 articles)
European Nickel (3 articles)
Eveleth Taconite (1 articles)
Evolution Mining (1 articles)
Evraz (13 articles)
Excel (3 articles)
Excellon de Mexico SA (17 articles)
Excellon Resources (16 articles)
Exeter Resources (41 articles)
Exide Corporation (1 articles)
Exmibal (25 articles)
Explanadores Montana (5 articles)
Explocobres SA (2 articles)
Exploraciones Oceanicas (1 articles)
Exxaro (8 articles)
Exxon (87 articles)


Falconbridge (82 articles)
FCF Mining (14 articles)
Fenway Resources (1 articles)
Ferrominera Orinoco (2 articles)
Feza Mining (1 articles)
Fibres Fortes du Quebec (2 articles)
Filminera Mining Corporation (1 articles)
First Dynasty (14 articles)
First Majestic Silver Corp. (9 articles)
First Nickel (1 articles)
First Quantum Minerals (49 articles)
Fission Energy (2 articles)
Fleming Family & Partners (6 articles)
Fluor (4 articles)
FMC (7 articles)
FNX Mining (1 articles)
Fomento (1 articles)
Fomicruz (4 articles)
Foote Mineral Co (12 articles)
Forbes & Manhattan Coal Corp. (2 articles)
Fording Coal (11 articles)
Foreign Engineering and Construction Co (2 articles)
Formosa Plastics Group (1 articles)
Formosa Steel (2 articles)
Forrest Group (7 articles)
Forsys Metals (1 articles)
Fortescue Metals Group (42 articles)
Fortuna Silver Mines Inc (13 articles)
Fortune Minerals Ltd. (22 articles)
Forum Uranium (2 articles)
Fox Resources (8 articles)
Franc-Or (7 articles)
Franco Nevada (2 articles)
Franconia Minerals (1 articles)
Freeport McMoRan (460 articles)
Freewest Resources (1 articles)
Fresnillo Plc (5 articles)
Frieda River Limited (1 articles)
Fronteer Development Group (1 articles)
Frontenac Ventures (92 articles)
Frontera Mining Company (1 articles)
Frontier Pacific (21 articles)
Frontino Gold Mines (1 articles)
Fujian Zijin (2 articles)
Full Gold Mining (1 articles)
Full Gold Mining Ltd (2 articles)
Fuxin Mining Group (7 articles)


Gabfer, S.A. de C.V. (2 articles)
Gabriel Resources (38 articles)
Gafsa Phosphates Company (1 articles)
Galactic Resources (6 articles)
Galahad Gold (3 articles)
Galantas Gold (2 articles)
Gallipoli (4 articles)
Galway Resources (2 articles)
Gammon Gold (1 articles)
Ganzhou Jiangwu New Alloy Material Co. Ltd. (1 articles)
GAPCO (2 articles)
Gavilan Minerals (19 articles)
GCM Resources (20 articles)
GEC (25 articles)
Gecamines (29 articles)
Gem Diamonds (6 articles)
Gemill's Construction (1 articles)
Genco Resources Ltd. (1 articles)
Gencor (33 articles)
Genorah Pty Ltd (2 articles)
Geocom Resources (15 articles)
Geodex (2 articles)
Geograce Resources (2 articles)
Geometales del Norte (1 articles)
Geominas (13 articles)
GeoMysore (3 articles)
GeoProMining (2 articles)
George Forrest International (1 articles)
Georgian Manganese Ltd. (1 articles)
Geostar Metals (2 articles)
Geotechniques and Minerals Inc. (GAMI) (1 articles)
Geotécnica S.A. (7 articles)
Gerdau Steel (7 articles)
Ges (3 articles)
GIHL (20 articles)
Gindalbie (30 articles)
Gladstone Pacific Nickel (1 articles)
Glamis Gold (131 articles)
Glencairn (21 articles)
Glencore (399 articles)
Glencore Canada Corp. (1 articles)
Gleneagle Gold (10 articles)
Global Alumina (7 articles)
Global Coal Management (80 articles)
Global Copper (2 articles)
Global Gold (6 articles)
Global Oil and Energy (8 articles)
Global Resources Corporation (1 articles)
GMR Energy (2 articles)
Gobi Min (22 articles)
God's Lake Resources (2 articles)
Gogebic Taconite (GTac) (3 articles)
Gold Fields South Africa (83 articles)
Gold Hawk Resources (5 articles)
Gold Reserve (6 articles)
Goldcorp (206 articles)
Golden Eagle International (1 articles)
Golden Energy Mines (1 articles)
Golden Knight (7 articles)
Golden Oak Mining Co (1 articles)
Golden Peaks Argentina SA (4 articles)
Golden Prosperous Resources (1 articles)
Golden Star Resources (43 articles)
Golden Summit Mining Corporation (GSMC) (1 articles)
Gopher Resource (1 articles)
Gran Colombia Gold (4 articles)
Grand Resources (1 articles)
Grandwell Holdings (2 articles)
Grange Resources (1 articles)
Grasim (3 articles)
Grassalco (1 articles)
Great Basin Gold (3 articles)
Great China Mining Inc (2 articles)
Great Western Minerals (1 articles)
Greenland Minerals (4 articles)
Greenstone Mining (6 articles)
Greystar Resources (26 articles)
Griffin Mining (5 articles)
Groote Resources (1 articles)
Grupo Aruntani (1 articles)
Grupo Carso (2 articles)
Grupo Condumex (1 articles)
Grupo Copec (2 articles)
Grupo EBX (3 articles)
Grupo Estrella (3 articles)
Grupo Ferro Minero (1 articles)
Grupo Ferroeste (1 articles)
Grupo Frisco (1 articles)
Grupo Luksic (23 articles)
Grupo Mexico (136 articles)
Guandong Dabaoshan Mining (2 articles)
Guangxi Dameng Manganese Co (11 articles)
Guangzhou Iron and Steel (1 articles)
Guatemala Nickel Co. (12 articles)
Guernica Chemicals (1 articles)
Gulf Western Trading (2 articles)
Gunpoint Exploration (1 articles)
Guoda Gold (9 articles)
Guyana Goldfields (2 articles)
Guyana Manganese (1 articles)
Guyanor (8 articles)
GVK Power & Infrastructure (12 articles)


Hai Tinh International Mineral Corp (1 articles)
Halliburton (13 articles)
Hallmark Link (8 articles)
Hamersley (8 articles)
Hancock (23 articles)
Hannans Reward Ltd (1 articles)
Hanson (14 articles)
Harman Mining (1 articles)
Harmony Gold (45 articles)
Hawk Uranium Ltd. (4 articles)
HBD Exploration (4 articles)
HBIS (1 articles)
Hebei Iron & Steel (4 articles)
Hebei Yineng Tower Engineering Co. Ltd. (1 articles)
Hecla (24 articles)
HeidelbergCement (6 articles)
Heilongjiang Longmei Holding Mining Group (1 articles)
Herald Resources (2 articles)
Heritage Resources (4 articles)
Hesteel (1 articles)
HidroAysen (1 articles)
Hieu Giang Co Ltd (1 articles)
High River Gold Mines Inc (1 articles)
Highland Gold (20 articles)
Highland Pacific (51 articles)
Highveld Steel (8 articles)
Highwood Resources (1 articles)
Hinatuan Mining Co. (11 articles)
Hindalco (97 articles)
Hindustan Zinc (23 articles)
Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) (1 articles)
Hka Ka Bo Company (1 articles)
Hochschild Mining Plc (5 articles)
Hohhot Kekao Mining Co. (1 articles)
Holcim (48 articles)
Homestake (13 articles)
Honbridge Holdings (1 articles)
HRK Holdings (1 articles)
Hua Pioneer (1 articles)
Huaneng Group (2 articles)
Huanxi Group (18 articles)
Huayuan Mining Co (4 articles)
HudBay Minerals (48 articles)
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting (14 articles)
Huicheng Minerals (1 articles)
Human Nonferrous Metals Holdings Grpup (10 articles)
Hunan Gold Group (1 articles)
Hunan Nonferrour Metals Co (17 articles)
Hunt Mountain Resources (9 articles)
Huston Lake Mining (1 articles)
Hydro Resources Inc. (9 articles)
Hydrogen Energy (4 articles)
Hylsamex (4 articles)


IAMGOLD (46 articles)
Ibutho Coal (2 articles)
Icomi (3 articles)
ICRA Rolleston (1 articles)
IDCOL (4 articles)
Idemitsu Australia Resources (1 articles)
Ikwezi Mining (1 articles)
IMA Exploration Inc. (13 articles)
IMETAL (3 articles)
Imiter (4 articles)
IMK (1 articles)
IMMSA (2 articles)
Impala Platinum (22 articles)
Imperial Metals (49 articles)
Implats (10 articles)
In Gold (5 articles)
Inca Pacific (1 articles)
Incawala (5 articles)
Inco (293 articles)
Incwala (8 articles)
Indal (8 articles)
India Cements (7 articles)
India Rare Earths (6 articles)
Indo Metals (9 articles)
Indo Mine Lt. (3 articles)
Indocement (8 articles)
Indochina Goldfields (4 articles)
Indocopper Investama (1 articles)
Indophil (168 articles)
Industrias Infinito SA (9 articles)
Industrias Penoles (6 articles)
Infinito Gold (20 articles)
Inmet (27 articles)
Inter-American Coal (13 articles)
Inter-Citic (15 articles)
InterCitic (20 articles)
International Coal Group (35 articles)
International Ferro Metal (13 articles)
International Mineral Resources (17 articles)
International Panorama Resources (8 articles)
International Touringnan (6 articles)
Intex Resources (32 articles)
Inti Raymi (20 articles)
Intrepid Minerals Corporation (15 articles)
INV Metals (5 articles)
Invecture Group (1 articles)
Inversiones Los Pinare (1 articles)
Inversiones Mineras Argentinas (1 articles)
Invicta Mining (1 articles)
Invincible Mining (11 articles)
Iron Ore Company of Canada (17 articles)
Ispat (10 articles)
Itakpe Iron Ore Mining Co (2 articles)
ITIC Investment (25 articles)
Itochu Corporation (1 articles)
Ivanhoe Mines (235 articles)
Ivanplats (12 articles)
Ivernia Inc. (1 articles)


J R Simplot (2 articles)
Jabel Mining (2 articles)
Jackson Global (2 articles)
Jaguar Nickel Ltd. (3 articles)
Jainhsu Shangang (1 articles)
Jaiprakash Associates Limited's (JAL) (1 articles)
Jamaica Bauxite Mining Ltd (1 articles)
Jamalco (13 articles)
James Hardy (27 articles)
JBMMC (1 articles)
JCI (7 articles)
JDVC Resources (1 articles)
Jean-Raymond Boulle (4 articles)
Jeco Corporation (19 articles)
Jerooyaltyn (3 articles)
Jet Gold (6 articles)
Jiangxi Copper (39 articles)
Jiangxi Ganneng Co. Ltd. (1 articles)
Jianing Aluminium (12 articles)
Jien Nickel (1 articles)
Jilin Nickel Company (16 articles)
Jim Walter Resources Inc. (2 articles)
Jinchuan (87 articles)
Jindal Group Ltd. (274 articles)
Jinguang (2 articles)
Jinshan Gold Mines (9 articles)
Jiuquan Steel (17 articles)
Jiuxing Mines (2 articles)
Jiyuan Wanyang Smeltery Group (1 articles)
Jogja Magasa Mining (1 articles)
Johnson Matthey (10 articles)
Joy Global (1 articles)
JSE Steel (3 articles)
Juagou Cobalt Nickel Material Co (3 articles)
Juggernaut Exploration (1 articles)
Junefield Mineral Resouces (1 articles)
Junefield Minerals Resources (3 articles)
Juyuan Coal Industry Co.Ltd. (1 articles)
JVSL (4 articles)
JX Nippon Mining & Metals (1 articles)
JXTC (1 articles)


K K Minerals (1 articles)
Kahama Mining Corp. (1 articles)
Kaiser Aluminium (7 articles)
Kalahari Diamonds (4 articles)
Kalia Ltd (1 articles)
Kaloti Jewellery Group (1 articles)
Kaltim Prima (49 articles)
Kamchatka Gold (1 articles)
Kamen-Ingrad (4 articles)
Kaminak Gold Corp (3 articles)
Kappes, Cassiday & Associates (KCA) (6 articles)
Kartin Company (1 articles)
Katanga Mining Co (27 articles)
Kawang Group (4 articles)
Kazakhmys (17 articles)
Kazatomprom (14 articles)
Kazzinc (2 articles)
KCM (19 articles)
Kedahda (43 articles)
Kelian Gold (15 articles)
Kendillo Coal Indonesia (1 articles)
Kenmare Resources (1 articles)
Kennecott Copper (70 articles)
Kentucky Darby LLC (10 articles)
Kenya Fluorspar (3 articles)
Kermas Group (4 articles)
Kerr-McGee (3 articles)
KGHM (10 articles)
Khan Resources (1 articles)
Kideco Jaya Agung (1 articles)
King's Minerals NL (2 articles)
Kingbao Mining (12 articles)
Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd (3 articles)
Kinross Mining (76 articles)
Kiruna Iron (2 articles)
Koba Tin (3 articles)
Kobex Minerals (1 articles)
Kodiak Copper (1 articles)
Kodiak Exploration (2 articles)
Kolar Goldfields (4 articles)
Kolskaja GMK (1 articles)
Konkola Copper Mines (41 articles)
Korea Coal Corporation (5 articles)
Korea Resources Corp (20 articles)
Korea Zinc (1 articles)
Kudremukh Iron Ore (26 articles)
Kumba Iron Ore (9 articles)
Kun Hou Mining (1 articles)
Kvaerner (3 articles)
KWG (2 articles)


La Mancha Resources Inc. (1 articles)
LAB Chrysotile (2 articles)
Labrador Iron Mines (1 articles)
Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corp. (1 articles)
Laconia Resources (1 articles)
Ladrillera Santafe (15 articles)
Lafarge (77 articles)
Lafayette Mining (269 articles)
Laiwu Steel (2 articles)
Lakshmi Mital (14 articles)
Lamgold (2 articles)
Landmark Minerals (2 articles)
Landmark Resources (1 articles)
Laramide Resources Ltd. (1 articles)
Larsen & Toubro (28 articles)
Latin American Minerals (4 articles)
Lead Concentrate Company (18 articles)
Leeward Capital Corp. (9 articles)
Lepanto Mining Corp. (85 articles)
Leviev Diamonds (2 articles)
LG-Nikko Copper (3 articles)
Liberty Mines (1 articles)
Lihir Gold (33 articles)
Linear Gold (1 articles)
Lingbao Gold Co Lts (2 articles)
Lion Mining (6 articles)
LionOre (9 articles)
Lithco (1 articles)
Lithium Americas (2 articles)
Lithium Nevada Corporation (1 articles)
Lloyds Steel (1 articles)
LNL Archipelago Minerals Inc. (LAMI) (4 articles)
Lockheed Martin (5 articles)
Lomas de Niquel SA (2 articles)
London Mining Plc (16 articles)
Longxing Group (8 articles)
Lonmin (73 articles)
Lonrho (11 articles)
Looc Lead Ores Inc. (3 articles)
Louisville Gas & Electic (1 articles)
Lowell (20 articles)
LS-Nikko Copper (33 articles)
Luanshya Copper Mines (3 articles)
Luismin (26 articles)
Lukon (7 articles)
Luksic Group (19 articles)
Lumina Copper (3 articles)
Lundin Group (15 articles)
Luneng (8 articles)
Lupa Pigegetawan Mining Co (6 articles)
Lupaka Gold (1 articles)
Lusajur Ventures (1 articles)
Luscar Coal (3 articles)
Lusorecursos (2 articles)
Luzon Minerals (2 articles)
Lydian International (5 articles)
Lynas Corp. (14 articles)


M/S Timbo Ltd. (3 articles)
Maaden (3 articles)
Maanshan Iron and Steel (5 articles)
MacMin (5 articles)
MacroAsia (18 articles)
Macusani Yellowcake (1 articles)
Madison PNG Ltd. (3 articles)
Madneuli (2 articles)
MAG Silver (4 articles)
Magma (15 articles)
Magnitogorsk (17 articles)
Mahanadi Coalfields (22 articles)
Maheshwari Mining Limited (1 articles)
Majescor Resources (1 articles)
Major Drilling International (3 articles)
Makilala Mining Company (MMC) (2 articles)
MAL Magyar Aluminum (4 articles)
Malaysia Smelting Corp (4 articles)
MALCO (18 articles)
Managem (3 articles)
Manaksia Group (1 articles)
Manas Resources (1 articles)
Mandalay Resources (1 articles)
Manhattan Minerals (35 articles)
Manila Mining (7 articles)
Manto Rojo (3 articles)
Mantra Resources (3 articles)
Mantra Tanzania Ltd (1 articles)
Marathon Resources (3 articles)
Marc Rich (11 articles)
Marcopper (98 articles)
Marcventures Mining (MMDC) (12 articles)
Mariana Resources (2 articles)
Maricalum Mining Corp. (3 articles)
Marifil Mines (1 articles)
Marlin (3 articles)
Marline Uranium (2 articles)
Marubeni (4 articles)
Maryland Sand, Grave & Stone (4 articles)
Massey Energy (104 articles)
Maverick (19 articles)
Maxy Gold (1 articles)
Mayan Gold (23 articles)
Mayan Iron Corporation (1 articles)
Mayaniqel SA (2 articles)
Mayur Resources (1 articles)
MBMI Resources (4 articles)
MC Mining (1 articles)
MCC Resources Development Co (21 articles)
McEwen Mining (5 articles)
McKintyre Mines (3 articles)
Mechel (4 articles)
Medallion Resources (1 articles)
Medusa Mining (8 articles)
Mega Uranium (3 articles)
Megauranium Ltd (23 articles)
Mercator Minerals Ltd (1 articles)
Mercets SA (1 articles)
Meridian Gold (99 articles)
Metal Huasi (18 articles)
Metal Prince Ltd. (1 articles)
Metales Procesados (21 articles)
Metallica Resources (60 articles)
Metalloinvest (6 articles)
Metallurgical Construction Corporation (2 articles)
Metals Exploration Plc (18 articles)
Metals X (13 articles)
Metex Resources Ltd. (8 articles)
Metorex (3 articles)
MG Mining (10 articles)
Michelago (4 articles)
Mid-American Energy (4 articles)
Midas Gold (1 articles)
Midwest (6 articles)
Migrate Mining (3 articles)
Milpo (2 articles)
MIM (12 articles)
Minamalu SA (1 articles)
Minas De la Alta Pimeria SA (2 articles)
Minco (10 articles)
Mincrop Asia (5 articles)
Mindex (22 articles)
Mindoro Resources (8 articles)
Minefinders Corporation (3 articles)
Minera Afrodita (6 articles)
Minera Agua Rica (1 articles)
Minera Aguilar (19 articles)
Minera Alumbrera (39 articles)
Minera Aratirí (3 articles)
Minera Autlán (1 articles)
Minera Can Can (2 articles)
Minera Casapalca (16 articles)
Minera Cerro Quema SA (2 articles)
Minera Cerro Verde (5 articles)
Minera Chancadora Centauro (1 articles)
Minera Chinalco Peru (1 articles)
Minera Cuzcatlán (3 articles)
Minera del Altiplano FMC (4 articles)
Minera Dolores (1 articles)
Minera El Abra (23 articles)
Minera El Desquite (12 articles)
Minera Escondida (16 articles)
Minera Exar (1 articles)
Minera Guaira SA (2 articles)
Minera Hecla Venezolana (5 articles)
Minera Isla Reisco (4 articles)
Minera La Casualidad (3 articles)
Minera La Guitarra (4 articles)
Minera Loma de Niquel (3 articles)
Minera Los Pelambres (7 articles)
Minera Los Quenuales (3 articles)
Minera Majaz (62 articles)
Minera María (1 articles)
Minera Maya America (2 articles)
Minera Nueva Vista SA (2 articles)
Minera Pampamali (4 articles)
Minera Panamá (5 articles)
Minera Paredones Amarillos SA (1 articles)
Minera Petaquilla (3 articles)
Minera Quellaveco (4 articles)
Minera Quinchia (1 articles)
Minera San Andrés (1 articles)
Minera San Cristobal (2 articles)
Minera San Jorge (3 articles)
Minera San Juan (2 articles)
Minera San Xavier (8 articles)
Minera Santa Cruz (8 articles)
Minera Sierra Dorada (1 articles)
Minera Vilacollo (2 articles)
Minera Volcan (5 articles)
Minera Yanacocha (14 articles)
Minera Yauliyacu SA (1 articles)
Mineracao Rio do Norte (1 articles)
Mineral and Energy Resources (3 articles)
Mineral Commodities Ltd. (21 articles)
Mineral Resources Corporation Ltd. (MRC) (9 articles)
Minerales de Occidente SA (14 articles)
Minerals and Metals (2 articles)
Minerals and Metals Group (MMG) (3 articles)
Minerals Development Co. (3 articles)
Minerals Entre Mares (3 articles)
Minerals Supply Africa (MSA) (1 articles)
Mineras Paraguay SA (2 articles)
Minercol (29 articles)
Mineros Nacionales (2 articles)
Mingo Logan (1 articles)
Mining House Ltd (10 articles)
Mink International (7 articles)
Minmetals (10 articles)
Minnesota Steel Industries (2 articles)
Minorca Resources (2 articles)
MINSUR (20 articles)
MinTails Ltd (3 articles)
Minvest Deva (1 articles)
Miramar Mining (13 articles)
Miski Mayo (1 articles)
Mitsubishi (35 articles)
Mitsui (9 articles)
Mittal Steel (97 articles)
MM Gold (3 articles)
MMG Century Ltd. (7 articles)
MMSON Mining and Exploration Corporation (2 articles)
MMTC (2 articles)
MMX Minas-Rio (6 articles)
Moa Nickel SA (1 articles)
Molycorp (5 articles)
Monaro (1 articles)
Mongol Gazar Mining (6 articles)
Monsanto (1 articles)
Montana Exploradora (48 articles)
Monterrico Metals plc (220 articles)
Moose Mountain (3 articles)
Mopani Copper Mines (12 articles)
Mosaic (3 articles)
Mount Bibson Iron Ore Ltd (2 articles)
Mount Emmons Mining Co. (1 articles)
Mount Polley Mining Corporation (MPMC) (2 articles)
Mount Ramsay Coal Company (1 articles)
Mount Royal (1 articles)
MPX Energía (3 articles)
MRC Ltd. (3 articles)
MTL Philippines Mining Corporation (1 articles)
Murchison Ltd. (4 articles)
Muriel Mining Corporation (9 articles)
Murray Energy Corp (19 articles)
Mutual Resources (8 articles)
Mwana Africa (2 articles)
Mwembeshi Resources (1 articles)
Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) (33 articles)
Myanmar National Prosperity Co. Ltd. (NPPCL) (1 articles)


NALCO (95 articles)
Namakwa Diamond Co. (3 articles)
NAMCO (3 articles)
Namib Lead Mine Ltd. (3 articles)
Nanjing Steel (2 articles)
National Coal Company (7 articles)
National Mineral Development Corporation, India (36 articles)
National Resources and Development Corporation (NRDC) (1 articles)
National Thermal Power Corp. (8 articles)
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) (10 articles)
Natixis (1 articles)
NatSteel Asia (4 articles)
Nautilus (60 articles)
NCC (3 articles)
Neoen (1 articles)
Neptune Minerals (4 articles)
Nevada Pacific Gold (1 articles)
Nevsun (18 articles)
Nevveli Lignite (6 articles)
New Century Resources (1 articles)
New Dawn Mining (1 articles)
New Dimension Resources Ltd. (1 articles)
New Gold (13 articles)
New Hope Coal (3 articles)
New Horizon Uranium Corp (2 articles)
New Millenium Capital Corp (2 articles)
New Zealand Aluminium Smelters (NZAS) (1 articles)
Newcrest (66 articles)
Newmont (641 articles)
NFC Africa Mining plc. (7 articles)
NGEx Resources (1 articles)
NGM Resources Ltd. (1 articles)
Ngwe Yi Pale (1 articles)
Nhan Co (3 articles)
Nickel Asia Corp. (22 articles)
Nickel Asia Corporation (NAC) (1 articles)
Nickel Exploration Solomon Islands (1 articles)
Nicolet Minerals (11 articles)
Nicua Mining Corp. (4 articles)
Nikanor (18 articles)
Ningxia Qingtongxia Aluminum Co (9 articles)
Niocan (4 articles)
Nippon Mining and Metals (25 articles)
Nippon Steel (9 articles)
Nittetsu Mining Company (2 articles)
Nkwe Resources (6 articles)
NMDC (7 articles)
Non Metallic Minerals (1 articles)
Non-Ferrous China Africa (NFCA) (1 articles)
Nonferrous Metal Industry (1 articles)
Noranda (80 articles)
Nord Resources (2 articles)
Norddeustche Affinerie (1 articles)
NordGold (1 articles)
Nordic Mines (4 articles)
Norilsk (64 articles)
Noront Resources (4 articles)
Norsemont Mining (1 articles)
Norsk Hydro (12 articles)
Nortel (3 articles)
North Bengal Mining Co Ltd (8 articles)
North Exploration (1 articles)
North Industries (8 articles)
Northern Dynasty (33 articles)
Northern Mining Exploration Ltd (13 articles)
Northern Orion (16 articles)
Northern Peru Copper (4 articles)
Northgate Minerals (20 articles)
Northshore Mining (4 articles)
NorthWestern Energy (8 articles)
Nova Energy Corp (2 articles)
Nova Gold (17 articles)
Novelis (12 articles)
Novoi Metals (5 articles)
NTR Metals (1 articles)
NuCoal (1 articles)
Nucor Corporation (2 articles)
Nuigini Mining (6 articles)
Nuna Minerals (2 articles)
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc (3 articles)
Nussir ASA (4 articles)
Nyrstar NV (3 articles)


Ocean Resources Capital Holdings Plc (7 articles)
Oceana Gold (94 articles)
OCL (20 articles)
Odisha Mining Corp. (2 articles)
Odyssey Marine Exploration (2 articles)
Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) (1 articles)
OK Tedi (74 articles)
Olympus Pacific Minerals (8 articles)
OM (Manganese) Ltd. (1 articles)
Omagh Minerals (2 articles)
Omai Gold (6 articles)
Omega Gold Mining Corp (5 articles)
OMYA (5 articles)
Onça Puma (1 articles)
ONGC (4 articles)
Optimum Coal Holdings (2 articles)
Opus Minerals (2 articles)
Orano SA (3 articles)
Orchid Tibet Mining Co (28 articles)
Ord Resources (14 articles)
Orezone (15 articles)
Orica Ltd. (13 articles)
Oriental Synergy Mining Corporation (1 articles)
Orissa Mining Corporation (50 articles)
Oro Gold Resources (16 articles)
Orocobre (3 articles)
Oropa (2 articles)
Orsa (3 articles)
Orvana Minerals (2 articles)
Oryx Natural Resources (6 articles)
Osisko Mining (9 articles)
OTML (2 articles)
Outukumpu Oy (3 articles)
Oxiana (19 articles)
Oxus Mining (12 articles)
OZ Minerals (9 articles)


Pacarc (2 articles)
Pacifcorp (4 articles)
Pacific Aluminum Mining (3 articles)
Pacific Amber Resources (2 articles)
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. (1 articles)
Pacific Century Rare Earth Minerals (1 articles)
Pacific Rim (63 articles)
Pacific Wildcat Resources (1 articles)
PacRim Coal LLP (2 articles)
Padaeng Industries (7 articles)
PAEC (5 articles)
Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (1 articles)
Paladin Africa Ltd (32 articles)
Palmarejo Silver and Gold (2 articles)
Pamodzi Gold (2 articles)
Pan African Resources (8 articles)
Pan American Silver (31 articles)
Pan Australian (2 articles)
Panacobra (3 articles)
PanAust (3 articles)
Pangea Goldfields (4 articles)
Paniai Gold (1 articles)
Panzhihua Iron and Steel (1 articles)
Paredones Amarillos (1 articles)
Park Elektrik (1 articles)
Pasminco (6 articles)
Patagonia Gold (16 articles)
Patriot Coal Corporation (3 articles)
Peabody (111 articles)
Pechiney - see Alcan (3 articles)
Pediment Gold (1 articles)
Pegasus Gold (5 articles)
Pele Mountain Resources (5 articles)
Pelican Resources (5 articles)
Peña Colorada (6 articles)
Penn Ridge Coal LLC (1 articles)
PepinNini Minerals (1 articles)
Perilya (2 articles)
Perkasa Inaka Kerta (1 articles)
Perpetua Resources (1 articles)
Perseus Mining (1 articles)
Pershimco Resources (1 articles)
Peru Copper Inc (6 articles)
Petaquilla Minerals (31 articles)
Peter Hambro (16 articles)
Petmin Group (1 articles)
Petra (8 articles)
Phelps Dodge (38 articles)
PhilCo (1 articles)
Philex (90 articles)
Philippine Mining Development Corp. (PMDC) (2 articles)
Philippine National Oil Company (4 articles)
Philnico (17 articles)
Phoenix Gems Ltd. (2 articles)
Piedmont Lithium (1 articles)
Pike River Coal Co. (7 articles)
Pilbara Minerals (1 articles)
Pinpet Mining (1 articles)
Piran Resources (1 articles)
Pittsburgh Coal Co. (2 articles)
Placer Dome Placer Pacific (244 articles)
Platinex (27 articles)
Platinum Asset Management (1 articles)
Platinum Group Metals (133 articles)
Platreef Resources (2 articles)
Plexmar Resources (3 articles)
Ploymet Mining Corp. (8 articles)
Polish Energy Group (PGE) (1 articles)
Polskal (6 articles)
Polymet (2 articles)
Polymetal (1 articles)
Polyus (2 articles)
Pongpipat (1 articles)
Porgera (28 articles)
Portal Resources (14 articles)
POSCO (283 articles)
Potash Corp (20 articles)
Potasio Rio Colorado SA (8 articles)
Powertech (6 articles)
Prestea Gold Resources (25 articles)
Primecap Resources (12 articles)
Primeira Gema (1 articles)
Primero Empresa Minera (1 articles)
Prodeco (4 articles)
Promel (13 articles)
Prony Resources (1 articles)
Prophecy Coal (1 articles)
Prospex (10 articles)
PT Adaro Energy (3 articles)
PT Aditya Bumi Pertambangan (1 articles)
PT Antam / PT Aneka Tambang (55 articles)
PT Anugrah Surya Pratama (1 articles)
PT Bumi Resources (3 articles)
PT Cahaya Energi Mandiri (CEM) (1 articles)
PT Gane Permai Sentosa (1 articles)
PT Inco (2 articles)
PT Indika Energy (2 articles)
PT Indo Muro Kencana (16 articles)
PT Jogja Mangasa Iron (1 articles)
PT Karimun Granite (8 articles)
PT Meares Soputang (9 articles)
PT Merukh Copper (2 articles)
PT Multi Daerah Bersaing (MDB) (1 articles)
PT Nabire Bakti Mining (2 articles)
PT Napal Umbar Picung (1 articles)
PT Obi Prima Nikel (1 articles)
PT Tambang Mas Sangihe (TMS) (1 articles)
PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (TTN) (2 articles)
PT Tanito Harum Energy (1 articles)
PT Timah Tok (5 articles)
Purepoint Uranium (2 articles)


QGX Ltd (4 articles)
Qingtongxia Aluminum (3 articles)
QIT (10 articles)
QMM (7 articles)
Quadra Mining Ltd. (7 articles)
Quaterra Resources (1 articles)
Queensland Nickel (2 articles)
Queenstke Resources (4 articles)
Quest Uranium Exploration (2 articles)
Quiborax (1 articles)


Radius Exploration (12 articles)
RAK (5 articles)
Ramu Nickel (20 articles)
Rand Uranium (2 articles)
Randgold (23 articles)
Ras Alkaimah (2 articles)
Raspadskaya Coal Company (1 articles)
Raub Australian Gold Mining (RAGM) (1 articles)
Ravensdown (1 articles)
Raynor Resources (1 articles)
RBG Resources (13 articles)
Red 5 (10 articles)
Red Flat Nickel Corp. (2 articles)
Red Mountain Mining (1 articles)
Redbank Copper Ltd. (1 articles)
Redcorp (2 articles)
Redfern Resources (8 articles)
Redland (3 articles)
Reliance Energy (25 articles)
Reliant Energy (2 articles)
Renco (79 articles)
Renova Group (1 articles)
Republic Energy (1 articles)
Republic Gold (2 articles)
Reservoir Minerals (1 articles)
Resolute Mining (27 articles)
Resolution Copper (30 articles)
Resource Generation (Resgen) (1 articles)
Resourcehouse (1 articles)
Resurrection Mining (8 articles)
Reunion Gold (1 articles)
Reunion Resources (1 articles)
Reynolds Aluminium (5 articles)
Richard Klinger Co. (2 articles)
Richards Bay Minerals (9 articles)
Ridge Mining Plc (8 articles)
Rio Algom (19 articles)
Rio Alto Mining (3 articles)
Rio Blanco Copper (13 articles)
Rio Grande Resources (1 articles)
Rio Pomba Catagueses (20 articles)
Rio Sava Exploration (2 articles)
Rio Tinto (1797 articles)
Rise Gold (1 articles)
Rise Grass Valley Inc. (1 articles)
Riversdale Mining (8 articles)
RJ Lee Group (9 articles)
RMA Energy Ltd (10 articles)
RMC (11 articles)
RNC Gold (3 articles)
Robe River (3 articles)
Robert Friedland (169 articles)
Rock Gate Capital Corp (1 articles)
Rockcliff Copper Corporation (1 articles)
Rocla Quarry Products (1 articles)
Rome Resources (3 articles)
Rosario Dominicano (21 articles)
Rosatom (2 articles)
Rosemoor Mining and Development Corp. (5 articles)
Rosia Montana Gold Corp. (39 articles)
Ross Beaty (53 articles)
Rossing Uranium (27 articles)
Royal Bafokeng Platinum (1 articles)
Royal Dutch Shell - see Shell (1 articles)
Royal Gold (3 articles)
Royalco Resources (32 articles)
Royalty Exploration Corp (6 articles)
RTB Bor (1 articles)
RTG Mining (1 articles)
Rugby Cement (6 articles)
Ruhrkohle AG (12 articles)
Runta Mining (6 articles)
Rusal (32 articles)
Rusina Mining (16 articles)
Rusoro (4 articles)
Russell Mining (14 articles)
Rustenburg Platinum (13 articles)
RWE (15 articles)


S.E.A Mineral Ltd (4 articles)
Sable Mining (2 articles)
Sacre-Coeur Minerals (1 articles)
Sagittarius Mines Inc. (108 articles)
Sail (10 articles)
Saint-Gonain (8 articles)
Salazar Resources (7 articles)
Sales de Jujuy (1 articles)
Salt River Project (3 articles)
San Miguel Corp (19 articles)
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