Uranium Update / Rechazo La Ferta De Una Compania Francesa Que Buscuba Extraer Uranio
Published by MAC on 2007-07-20
Uranium update / Rechazo la Ferta de Una Compania Francesa que Buscuba Extraer Uranio
20th July 2007
As the buzz about increased uranium prices leads to fevered speculation, landowners are increasingly voicing their opposition. Canadians, including First Nations, continue to speak out about the flurry of blue ribbons that denote claims staked on or near their land, while in Australia the indigenous custodians of the land are refusing to give in to uranium mining as they fear what it will bring to their land near the long threatened Kakadu National Park. There is good reason for this, if the experience of the Navajo in New Mexico is anything to go by. Despite the lure of jobs and money in a remote area, the environmental and health problems left by the first wave of mining are still all too evident.