Published by MAC on 2002-10-21VI. RECOMMENDATIONS
Because of the increase in threats, terror and intimidation surrounding the investigation, ELSHAM staff and volunteers, witnesses and survivors of the attack have to be protected.
Given the fact that two American citizens were killed in the attack and that Freeport McMoRan, the majority shareholder of the mining interest, is a publicly held and traded U.S.-based corporation, ELSHAM calls on the U.S. government, in cooperation with the Indonesian government, to undertake its own investigation into the shootings at mile 62-63, Tembagapura.
In the wake of Arthur Andersen accounting scandals plaguing U.S. corporations - and the consequent fall in share prices and severe damage to shareholders - ELSHAM also believes that it is in the best interest of Freeport shareholders that the appropriate U.S. government agencies investigate:
- Freeport's accounting practices, including its financial support to the Indonesian armed forces; and
- Freeport's practice of impunity towards criminal acts against its personnel, property and the local population.