MAC: Mines and Communities

In late September, the Civic Committee Against Minera Yanacocha made a further Declaration, which is

Published by MAC on 2004-09-28

In late September, the Civic Committee Against Minera Yanacocha made a further Declaration, which is published here with an English translation below.

Civic Committee against Minera Yanacocha, Cajamarca, Peru


To national and international public opinion Civic Committee against Minera Yanacocha Declaration

It is of public knowledge that CERRO QUILISH constitutes the main water supply for a great part of Cajamarca city, which would be in danger of considerable diminution following Minera Yanacocha's exploration in the area, as started by the mining company under Resolution Nº 361-2004-MEM, issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mines without consulting affected communities. This Civic Committee addresses public opinion with the following: information:

1. Because of the decisive and organised actions taken by Cajamarca people, in defence of their life and environment on September 17, the Ministry of Mines and Energy published in the official newspaper "The Peruvian", R.D.N° (427-2004-MEM) a decision that Minera Yanacocha will not explore or operate in Cerro Quilih, South Yanacocha and the Porcon River Basinr. This represents a triumph for our town, since the exploration and future operations in these water-bearing areas would mean the gradual destruction of agriculture, agro-industry, eco-tourism - in other words, the life in general;

2. Institutions and Civic Committee organizations have reaffirmed our commitment not to allow exploration and operations [in these areas], neither today nor ever. We ratified this demand in a signed declaration dated September 16, with the concurrence of the peasantry of Huambocancha Baja sector;

3. During the days of protest, the inhabitants of rural areas and also Cajamarca city were brutally repressed by some bad elements of the National police of Peru, provoked by Minera Yanacocha. The same happened to inhabitants of Huambocancha and Choropampa.

In view of the forgoing, the Civic Committee determines::

1. To ask Local and Regional Governments for the immediate de-activation of the Board of CAO (Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman of the World Bank) [through its "spokeswoman"] that is opposed to the sacred interests of our people;

2. To demand that Local and Regional Governments set up the Boad of Dialogue, with genuine representatives and organised civil society;

3. To demand that the Ministry of Energy and Mines publish a definitive resolution declaring the inappropriateness of exploration of Cerro Quilish;

4. To denounce the indiscriminate police repression to which inhabitants of Huambocancha and Choropampa were subject, and demand strong sanctions against those who directed police operations, among them General Victor Figueroa Romero, Director of Region II of the PNP in Chiclayo;

5. To ensure that local and regional authorities assume their role with decisiveness and transparency in defence of the sacred interests of Cajamarca people;

6. To suspend our protest [while] recommending the citizenzry to remain alert;

7. To empower the existing base organizations;

8. To implement a permanent program of Information and citizen conscientisation;

9. To thank the provinces of the department of Cajamarca and the north of Perú for their support and solidarity;

10. To reject Minera Yanacocha's attempt to turn the people against the mineworkers.

Comité Cívico contra minera Yanacocha Cajamarca, Perú Sep-28-2004

Cajamarca, setiembre del aFrente Unico en Defensa de la Vida y del Medio
Ambiente de Cajamarca
Gobierno Regional de Cajamarca
Municipalidad Provincial de Cajamarca
Federación Regional de Rondas Campesinas de Cajamarca
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados
Colegio de Ingenieros - Filial Cajamarca
Colegio de Odontólogos de Cajamarca
Asociación de Colegios Profesionales de Cajamarca - ACOPROCA
CGTP - Cajamarca
SUTEP Provincial y Regional de Cajamarca
Sindicato de Docentes de Institutos Superiores Pedagógicos de Cajamarca
Frente Amplio Regional Cajamarca
Federación Universitaria
Equipo de Docentes Católicos (EDOC)
Sindicato de Docentes de la UNC
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la UNC
Organización de Transportistas de Cajamarca
Coordinación General de Mercados de Abastos
Sindicato de Trabajadores del Ministerio de Agricultura - Cajamarca
Mesa de Concertación Provincial Cajamarca
Red Nacional Juvenil de Derechos Humanos - Cajamarca
Coordinador de Alcaldes de Centros Poblados - Cajamarca
Coordinadora de Pueblos Afectados por la MinerIa - Cajamarca
Coordinadora de Barrios Populares - Cajamarca
Congresista Manuel Bustamante (Representante)
AsociaciOn de Comerciantes Ambulantes - Cajamarca
Consejo de Estudiantes del Instituto Superior Pedagógico - Cajamarca
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Construcción Civil

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