Other Legal
Other Legal has 313 articles
2021-12-21 Argentina update: Morondanga mining bill only lasted five days2021-11-23 Peru: Putting Hochschild Mining in its place
2021-11-18 Who runs the mines in Papua?
2021-09-24 Guyana Manganese delinquent reservoir collapse
2021-09-15 USA: Federal jury awards Pomona $48 million in damages from SQM
2021-09-12 USA: 9/11 First responders exposure to asbestos, lead and other toxic materials did not end
2021-08-28 Sexual harassment in mine camps, reports
2021-08-06 USA: Piedmont's transition to indefinite delays
2021-07-18 Killing India'a moral heart: Stan Swamy is dead
2021-07-03 Rights groups seek probe into death of Indonesian official opposed to gold mine
2021-06-29 Australia: The battles for Tasmania’s Tarkine rainforest
2021-06-22 Chairman of Whitehaven Coal quits chancellor role at Newcastle University
2021-06-19 Ireland: Kildare residents fear lithium battery storage compound
2021-06-18 Anglo American’s coal pipe dreams
2021-06-18 How to keep Ireland's gold in the ground
2021-06-15 Umicore pledges to 'green buffer' after lead spike in Hoboken, Belgium
2021-06-12 The dangers of button batteries
2021-06-09 USA: The fight to clean up Exide battery plant in California
2021-06-07 Former Western Australia Aboriginal Affairs minister joins Rio Tinto
2021-06-01 Lusajur Ventures public hearings boycotted in Armenia
2021-05-31 Cominak uranium mine closes in Niger
2021-05-30 South Africa: RBM mining executive gunned down in KwaZulu-Natal
2021-05-26 Deep Sea Mining: DeepGreen-SOAC Merger Investors Alert
2021-05-25 An endless war on the Central Appalachian Mountains
2021-05-22 Shukruti residents protest Georgian Manganese
2021-05-08 Australian-backed company accused of exploring for gold in Myanmar
2021-05-03 Controversial lithium projects in Portugal
2021-04-30 Environmental groups urge Mexican Senate to ban mining in protected areas
2021-04-26 USA: Anti-CEMEX bill moves forward in California Senate
2021-04-26 Indonesia declassifies coal power plants ash as hazardous waste
2021-04-24 USA: Mining justice advocates press for legislative action in Nevada
2021-04-21 Papua New Guinea: Landowners not consulted on Porgera deal
2021-04-21 Brazil: CSN iron ore terminals halted over environmental violations
2021-04-10 Environmental regulation and the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada, report
2021-04-08 Will there ever be remedy for Welsh coal mining past?
2021-03-26 Indian federal police charge 71 anti-Vedanta protesters over 2018 violence
2021-03-18 Canadian Ombudsperson to begin receiving human rights abuse complaints from abroad
2021-03-15 First Majestic Corp. against the Government of Mexico
2021-03-09 New Caledonia agrees to nickel mine sale, with Tesla as partner
2021-03-06 Glencore’s Australia mine expansion puts sacred sites at risk
2021-03-03 Hondurans flee climate change, violence, and a mining project
2021-03-01 USA: Thacker Pass lithium mine approval challenged in courts
2021-03-01 Canada: FSIN, Baselode Energy at odds over uranium exploration
2021-02-28 DRC: Trump final gift to mining entrepreneur Dan Gertler?
2021-02-26 British Columbia’s ongoing legacy of metal mine impacts, report
2021-02-18 South African SLAPP suit slapped down by judge
2021-02-11 Did the Canadian Police attend a university book launch to stop a crime?
2021-02-09 Ecuador: Over 80% of Cuenca voters backed large-scale mining ban
2021-02-07 The University of Utah Needs to Break Up with Rio Tinto
2021-02-05 Nornickel to pay €1.62 billion for Arctic oil spill
2021-01-27 Australian lawyer arrested over Ok Tedi mining fund
2021-01-25 Alberta’s controversial coal policy unearths anger
2021-01-20 Greenland: Public hearings under coronavirus constraints
2021-01-16 Chilean Court sides with indigenous communities in Cerro Colorado water case
2021-01-14 New Mexico Settles With Mining Companies Responsible for the Gold King Mine Disaster
2021-01-11 UK shareholder raises concerns over Resolution mine in Arizona
2021-01-04 Ottawa rejects bid by China’s Shandong Gold for TMAC Resources
2020-12-17 Australia: New report raises concerns about Ranger mine rehabilitation plan
2020-12-10 Less than 10 per cent of mining companies in Australia mention Aboriginal engagement, study
2020-12-06 SBI investors speak out against Adani loan
2020-11-26 Army Corps denies permit for giant Pebble mine in Alaska
2020-11-20 Lupaka Gold goes arbitration mode against Peru
2020-11-18 Argentine Government Zooms-in on large scale mining
2020-10-12 Detention and Arrest of Fr. Stan Swamy in India
2020-10-06 Nickel project drops deep-sea waste plan in Morowali, Indonesia
2020-08-20 "Oh No!" Kono Sierra Leoneans tell Steinmetz
2020-05-13 PNG: The ongoing struggle over the lease for Barrick's Porgera mine
2020-05-03 Philippines: Civil society and UN experts call for rights to be respected at Didipio
2020-01-29 Carving island's name with pride
2019-11-12 When "dumping" has a dubious double meaning
2019-09-12 Australia's Sanjeev Gupta forced to surrender Havilah ploy
2019-09-01 Chinese nickel overflow threatens toxic disaster in Papua New Guinea
2019-05-31 Burma: Villagers arrested for protesting against cement plant
2019-05-28 South Africa: how a desert uranium mine got stopped
2019-03-25 Amnesty launches major campaign on lithium
2019-03-14 Nautilus Minerals gets protection order against creditors
2019-03-13 Solomons threatens to blacklist mining companies
2019-02-10 A tidal wave of mud: The Brumadinho disaster in Brazil
2019-01-26 Zambia: Three children die in manganese mine disater
2018-12-23 Canada's new corporate ombudsperson needs real power
2018-12-21 Britain’s Fraud Office Investigates Acacia Mining
2018-12-19 Canadian regulator fines Glencore’s Congolese Unit
2018-12-10 USA: Native tribes allege human rights violation over Canadian mine pollution
2018-08-20 Adani accused of further environmental breaches in Australia
2018-08-10 China reverses former plan to severely cut coal-fired power
2018-07-16 India: Report into Thoothukudi Police Violence released
2017-11-10 Glencore under Australian tax evasion probe
2017-08-21 New mining conflict erupts on Bougainville
2017-08-06 New Canadian coal mine poses multiple threats to workers - report
2017-07-12 India: "Humongous, mind boggling" mining corruption exposed
2017-04-24 Peru: Journalists arbitrarily detained after screening documentary about Hudbay Minerals
2017-04-12 IUCN, Renova Foundation and Brazil's mining catastrophe
2017-04-02 PNG: Houses burnt down (again) at Porgera mine
2017-03-28 Colombia: Popular vote to ban ‘La Colosa’ gold mining project
2017-03-22 Gold smuggling networks in Chile and Peru exposed
2017-03-18 India: Communities displaced by coal mining moving back to their lands in Madhya Pradesh
2017-02-06 Eike Batista detained by federal police in Rio de Janeiro
2017-01-30 Groups demand release of Tanzanian environmentalists detained in Malawi
2017-01-22 USA: DuPont must pay for mercury contamination in Virginia rivers
2016-12-10 Corporate intelligence agency infiltrated global anti-asbestos campaign
2016-10-16 OceanaGold loses compensation claim against El Salvador
2016-09-14 Russia: River at Norilsk turns red
2016-09-02 IFC failed to comply with its standards in Colombia
2016-08-22 Australia: Victory for farmers as Caroona coal mine cancelled
2016-08-05 Canada: Protest marks Mount Polley mine disaster anniversary
2016-07-23 Formosa Steel Owns Up to Vietnamese Toxic Spill
2016-07-15 Lafarge paid taxes to ISIS to protect its business in Syria
2016-06-19 Canada: Alaska group raises international concerns over B.C. mine operations
2016-05-11 Chile: The scandalous fall of Pinochet's copper law
2016-04-11 Panama Papers: the mining links
2016-03-25 Four US/Canadian transboundary mines risk tailings disaster
2016-03-11 Call for Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
2016-01-27 South Africa: Lonmin struggling to stay afloat - and address environmental issues
2016-01-24 Environment Canada issued warning before Mount Polley disaster
2015-12-20 Imperial Metals escapes charges from Mount Polley tailings breach
2015-08-26 The problem with (self-regulated) environmental assessments
2015-08-22 Indigenous group urges Canada to uphold Kiggavik decision
2015-08-02 Peruvian Police Destroy Entire Town of 'Illegal' Miners
2015-06-29 Report on Marikana Massacre is released to heavy criticism
2015-06-20 Critique of corruption scandal at Uranium Corporation of India Ltd
2015-06-15 OECD watchdog calls for reform of failing complaint system
2015-06-06 Canada: Rio Tinto Alcan Accused of Polluting Kitimat Airshed to Save Money
2015-03-17 RAID: Time to rethink mining company grievance mechanisms
2015-01-15 London Calling asks: "Will it all come out in the Walsh?"
2014-11-24 UK urges GCM Resources to assess human rights impact of Bangladesh coal mine
2014-08-06 The Killing Fields of Korba
2014-08-06 London Calling in on Vedanta's tenth anniversary
2014-06-28 Human Rights Groups Urge OECD to Act Against Corporate Abuses in Ecuador
2014-06-10 USA: Alpha Natural West Virginia Mines Found to Taint Streams
2014-06-03 Permanent Peoples' Tribunal: Verdict on the Canadian Mining Industry in Latin America
2014-04-13 Australia makes landmark decision on water protection with Alpha Coal ruling
2014-03-14 Guinean review finds against BSGR in long-running saga
2014-02-26 Barrick Gold: North Mara's problematic grievance mechanism
2014-02-02 African Barrick Gold: Victims sign away rights under complaint process
2014-01-24 Asian Development Bank to Investigate Tata Mundra
2013-10-26 Serious lapses in World Bank's IFC funding Tata coal plant
2013-07-22 Canadian Pension Plan Divests from Excellon Resources
2013-07-09 Mongolian herders submit complaint to European public bank
2013-06-19 Indonesia: Freeport mine stays closed after accident
2013-06-17 UK government accepts complaint over GCM Resources’ Bangladesh coal mine
2013-04-15 Vedanta faces India's Green Tribunal over smelter disaster
2013-04-09 Mexico: REMA-Chiapas demands investigation into ex-mayor
2012-12-17 Colombia's conflict minerals: re-inventing the "terror wheel"?
2012-11-19 Digging work suspended at Barrick's Pascua Lama mine
2012-09-18 Zambia rejects copper project on environmental grounds
2012-08-06 Canadian Government's Extractive Ombudsman Admits Another Glacier Impact Case in Argentina
2012-06-05 Clash intensifies over cost, impacts of giant Indian coal-fired power plant
2012-05-08 Indonesia: No checks on coal mining, says government report
2012-04-24 Peru's Highest Court Sides With Central Government In Conga Case
2012-03-27 India loses $210bn in coal sales in "mother of all scams"
2012-03-20 EPA Adds Nine Hazardous Waste Sites to Superfund List
2012-02-20 World Bank/IFC gets hauled over the Indian coals
2012-01-16 Vedanta set to grab further Indian resources - twice over
2012-01-10 A wake-up call for human rights defenders in the Americas
2011-12-05 Philippines: Intex Resources Found in Breach of International Guidelines
2011-11-14 Canada - Harper's Bazaar
2011-10-25 Alaska voters say no to gold, copper mine
2011-10-10 The emperor is stripped naked of his clothes
2011-09-06 Maya Q'eqchi' seek help to gain justice in Guatemala
2011-08-23 Chile approves controversial coal mine in Patagonia
2011-08-23 "Torture camp " discovered in Zimbabwe's Marange diamond fields
2011-08-08 Ghana: Newmont told to stop abusing community rights
2011-08-01 General ignorance: more threats to Philippine indigenous peoples
2011-07-25 Despite widespread opposition, Chile's Isla Riesco coal project moves forward
2011-07-11 Zimbabwe "blood diamonds" slip through Watchdog's net
2011-06-13 EIB halts Glencore lending on governance concerns
2011-06-13 Argentine Environmental Group Files Complaint Against Xstrata Copper
2011-04-27 Goldcorp ordered to pay $130 million to communal landowners in Zacatecas, Mexico
2011-04-18 Glencore is accused of tax evasion in Zambia
2011-04-18 How a Colombian city united against gold greed
2011-03-22 Ghana: Newmont hammered for Human Rights Abuses
2011-03-22 Greystar Resources withdraws request for environmental permit in Colombia
2011-03-14 Gold rush fuels conflicts in Colombia
2011-03-08 "Acts of god" don't excuse mining companies profiting from disaster
2011-02-21 A Valentine day's present from the US EPA
2011-02-07 Barrick turns glaciers to dust in Chile
2010-11-22 Missing the woods, trees and forests
2010-11-16 "Objective" Rio Tinto Study Raises Eyebrows
2010-11-08 World's biggest miner knocked back in Australia
2010-11-08 Philippine activists pressure human rights body over Oceana Gold mine
2010-11-01 Conflict diamonds set to enrich Zimbabwe's old guard
2010-10-04 Is this the 'death knell for asbestos'?
2010-09-27 How may the law be served, if justice is denied?
2010-09-20 Tampakan mine criticised in Philippines
2010-08-30 In north China, corruption rules the coal mines
2010-08-22 Indian government committee condemns Vedanta's proposed Nyamgiri mine
2010-08-08 Philippines: Endorsement to MacroAsia Deferred
2010-08-02 Canada government urged not to support Ivanhoe in Burma
2010-08-02 AFN Chiefs Pledge to Help Defend Lands Against Proposed Prosperity Mine-Canada
2010-08-02 UK government taken to court over companies trading Congo conflict minerals
2010-07-17 Urgent Action: Shooting of Community Leader Opposing Goldcorp Mine
2010-07-17 Philippine Bishops want Truth Commission vs environmental crimes
2010-07-09 Federal Canadian Panel finds there would be significant impacts from Taseko mine
2010-06-04 Will the World Bank undermine the people of El Salvador in mining dispute?
2010-05-29 Canadian Tsilhqot'in Nation statement on proposed Prosperity Mine
2010-05-29 International rights body calls for suspension of Goldcorp mine
2010-03-02 Toxic e-wastes burden headed for dramatic rise
2010-02-15 Indian government offers to suspend mine deals
2010-02-07 Conflicts over mining: the illusory boundary between "legal" and "illegal"
2010-01-25 Guatemalan groups file OECD complaint on Goldcorp mine
2010-01-25 Newmont found guilty of major cyanide spill at Ghanian mine
2009-09-29 Indigenous community harassed after more violence at the Didipio mine
2009-09-14 Villagers assert rejection of Royalco's mine plan in the Philippines
2009-07-27 Iron scrap seized in Basel brush
2009-07-27 Anti-Mining Groups Stage 36 Hour Sit-in at Canadian Embassy, Mexico City
2009-05-11 Jousting for an iron hand in Africa
2009-04-27 Friedland's shame: Summitville Saga nears sorry conclusion
2009-03-03 Revoking a governor's Feb. 14 decree, B.C. moves to recognize native rights
2009-03-03 Argentina's CNEA ordered not to reopen Sierra Pintada uranium mine
2009-03-03 Vedanta facing triple whammy over fraud
2009-03-03 Chile: Revolt in Atacama - Coordinadora por la defensa del agua en Copiapó
2009-03-03 Xstrata accused of buying credibility in lead poisoning case
2009-03-03 The flaw in "ethical" diamonds
2009-03-03 US prosecutor threatens no grace for abestos miner
2009-02-23 Zambia citizens' group takes mining companies to court
2009-02-23 Philippines report: rice and water sacrificed to mining; moratorium demanded
2009-02-23 A world free of mercury? Not yet - but hope rises
2009-02-23 Another blow for the Western Shoshone
2009-02-10 Aboriginal leader blocks Barrick expansion
2009-02-10 Goa: when it comes to mining, who's really breaking the law?
2009-02-10 Canada's Indigenous Rights record slammed, as Norway revises upwards is corporate social responsiblity policy
2009-02-02 Ivanhoe's Burma subsidiary added to US sanctions list while Rio Tinto remains in the "shame" frame
2009-02-02 Tribal Attempt to Halt Nevada Gold Mine Fails in Court
2009-02-02 India: Human chain advances opposition to Vedanta
2009-02-02 Mining recession's human costs
2009-02-02 Zambia succumbs to industry pressure
2009-02-02 How Ghana favours mining against farming
2009-01-26 Canada: Tories may eliminate some environmental oversights
2009-01-26 Colombia: Mining company illegally exploits sacred land - Indígenas Embera defienden el Cerro Cara de Perro, Colombia
2009-01-26 Toxic wastes from Canadian mines evading scrutiny, claim groups
2009-01-26 Ecuador’s new mining law prompts further protests and concern
2009-01-26 Canada activists demand: "Don't bulldoze our future in the rush for 'shovelready' projects! "
2009-01-19 Corporate pressure may succeed on Zambian government
2009-01-19 Canada: First Nation communities want to be included in mining talk
2009-01-19 Indonesia sends mixed messages to miners
2009-01-13 Vedanta repelled by Dongria Kondh at sacred mountain
2009-01-13 Ecuador: nationwide protests against new mining law - Huelga de hambre en contra de mineria a gran escala
2009-01-13 Rio Tinto case revived, as new Bougainville government takes charge
2009-01-13 New rule won't require Idaho mining companies to restore groundwater
2009-01-07 Canada: Fight for Public Involvement in Environmental Assessment Heads To Supreme Court
2008-12-30 Australia: carbon bonuses to miners, as pollution increases
2008-12-30 Massey yet again found guilty
2008-12-30 Canada: Madoc mine faces numerous environmental charges
2008-12-22 Zimbabwe "hell on earth" spurs demand for expanded Kimberley Process
2008-12-22 ArcelorMittal, 9 Others Fined EU575 Million by France antitrust regulator for price fixing
2008-12-22 Australian Aboriginal court victory may force mine closure
2008-12-15 Indonesia's proposed new mining law comes under attack
2008-12-15 Bangladesh: Overwhelming thumbs-down given to UK mining project
2008-12-15 Romanian campaigners chalk up final victory
2008-12-09 Philippines: Australian company all at sea?
2008-12-09 Tanzania: when the going gets tough…….
2008-12-09 Bush burns and wastes - right up to the wire
2008-12-09 Uranium's dirty past, present - and future?
2008-12-02 Brazil: Indigenous rights still denied
2008-12-02 Canadian legal threats to Venezuela
2008-12-02 Peru: Policeman killed in protests at Casapalca mine; Huancabamba Authorities criticise Río Blanco EIR - Estalla Casapalca y deja víctima mortal; Autoridades de Huancabamba presentan observaciones a E
2008-12-02 Ecuador mobilises against draft Mining Bill - Jornada nacional de lucha contra proyecto de ley minera
2008-11-24 South Africa: manganese poisoning claim meets nervous denial
2008-11-24 Barrick enjoys precious few "Obama moments"
2008-11-24 Macedonian Town Sues State for Pollution
2008-11-24 Philippine tribe wins official status in mining struggle
2008-11-24 Vedanta gets go-ahead for Tuticorin expansion - but with conditions attached
2008-11-24 India's asbestos shame
2008-11-24 Indian High Court halts Vedanta's bauxite mining
2008-11-24 Canadian court cements citizens' right to environmental class action suits
2008-11-24 Ecuador:- It´s all over for Copper Mesa Mining Corporation in Intag - Copper Mesa pierde concesión clave en Intag
2008-11-17 London Calling looks behind the Ralph affair - Richard Ralph condenado por "negociaciones incompatibles"
2008-11-17 US: Does coal ruling signal a new "clean" era?
2008-11-17 Argentina: President vetoes law protecting glaciers - Presidente veta ley de protección de glaciares
2008-11-10 Guatemala - HudBay delays the Fenix nickel project; Maya Indigenous communities dennounce BHP Billiton - Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel suspende construcción de planta, Comunidades Maya denuncian a B
2008-11-10 Obnoxious Leverage
2008-11-10 New Zambian president pleases miners: taxes may fall
2008-11-10 Bush burns to the end
2008-11-10 Philippine governor stops mining project in Oriental Mindoro Invokes provincial ordinance banning mining for 25 years
2008-11-10 Russia and South Asian states back unacceptable asbestos trade
2008-11-10 Tanzania: No new mining pacts, House team pleads
2008-11-05 Bush ignores law protecting Grand Canyon as uranium mining claims soar
2008-11-05 Canada to keep asbestos off trade blacklist
2008-10-27 Ecuador: persecution alleged against woman mining activist - Lina Solano: Nos presiguen, nos amenazan, nos difaman!
2008-10-27 Canada: New Brunswick regulations protect lakes from becoming mining waste dumps
2008-10-27 Bush to rewrite US coal rules, despite growing opposition
2008-10-27 Costa Rica's president faces accusations, as company ordered to stop felling trees - Costa Rica: Investigacion emprendida por la Fisclia
2008-10-21 Doing it right - or wrong - in Minnesota?
2008-10-21 Canada: Summit calls for end to ‘free-entry’
2008-10-21 Argentina: San Luis Province Bans Cyanide, Sulphuric Acid in Mining - Autoconvocados y Asambleas Populares celebran sanción de restricciones a la minería en San Luis
2008-10-21 US ban on Burma gems needs tightening
2008-10-07 US mercury export ban welcomed
2008-10-07 Mine left, and water went with it
2008-09-22 US asbestos - putting the end to a deadly trade
2008-09-22 Peru - Piura Votes, A Dangerous Precedent - Piura, un año después: el miedo a la democracia
2008-09-16 Canada: uranium strikes
2008-09-16 Mine owners reported to police over planning breach
2008-09-16 Colombia: coal company slapped with US$ 40 million fine - Ordenan a Drummond pagar 40 milliones
2008-09-16 UK jury stacks its cards against coal
2008-09-02 Alaska: a Pebble in the Streams
2008-09-02 Files show governor intervened with court
2008-08-19 Argentina: Legislators repeal year-old mining ban in La Rioja - Legisladores derogan ley que prohibía la minería a cielo abierto en La Rioja
2008-08-19 Ontario aims to revise mining act
2008-08-11 El Salvador citizens March Against Mining Operations - Segunda Caminata Ecuménica Verde por la Vida
2008-08-11 A double disgrace that shames all India
2008-08-11 It still hasn't dawned on Aurora!
2008-08-11 Argentina's COIRCO denies Río Colorado Potash Project about to be approved - Niegan que el proyecto Potasio Río Colorado esté por ser aprobado
2008-07-28 Right to "poison" asserted as fundamental legal principle
2008-07-28 Bloomberg blasts Chinese overseas mining
2008-07-28 New calls for uranium ban in New Brunswick while Newmont gets clean-up bill
2008-07-20 Poner fin al saqueo de los minerales en Africa
2008-07-20 Supply crunch: Brazil ban on asbestos to hit firms in India
2008-07-20 End mineral resource plunders in Africa!
2008-07-14 Bush regime's criminal acts now face exposure
2008-07-01 Philippines: Pujada proceeding despite BHP Billiton side-lining
2008-07-01 Guatemala: New Police-Military Incursion in San Juan Sacatepéquez - Nueva incursión policíaco-militar en San Juan Sacatepéquez
2008-04-13 Ecuador: Protesters target Iamgold and Ecuacorriente